Monday, September 6, 2010

Anne Mugisha for Nakawa - Participate on September 11th

Why September 11th is a critical date for the campaign

This Saturday September 11, 2010, FDC supporters will gather at their Parish polling areas in Nakawa Division at 2:00pm to elect party structures that will lead us through the 2011 general elections. The process of creating party structures in Nakawa Division is critical to the campaign: Anne Mugisha for Nakawa because it creates the Electoral College for MP flag bearer of the constituency.

This is how it works. FDC members and supporters will gather at the parish polling area at 2:00 pm. FDC card holding members will be eligible to stand for any office in the Division while supporters may participate in voting by a show of hands. If you do not have an FDC card and would like to become a leader, you will have an opportunity to register at the parish polling area on Saturday 11th.

The mainstream grassroots structure of FDC is the Polling Area Branch (PAB) Committee comprising 19 people (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary General, Secretaries of several portfolios and 3 committee members.) 40% of all FDC Committees must be women. Prior to election of the PAB committee, women, youth and people with disabilities (PWD) will elect amongst themselves a leader at their polling station who will automatically become Secretaries for women, youth and PWD on the mainstream PAB committee.

On that same day after PAB Committees are elected, all polling area committees will come together to form the Parish Committee/Executive of 13 officials from amongst themselves. For example, I am registered at LC 1 Office B, polling station in Bugolobi Parish. On Saturday September 11th I will go to the Parish polling area in Bugolobi Market and participate in the Women’s League elections to become Secretary of Women on the PAB Committee of LC 1 Office B. After the PAB committee of 19 is formed we will then join other PAB committees from all Bugolobi’s polling stations and elect the Bugolobi Parish executive from amongst ourselves.

The following day at 2:00 pm all elected Parish executives from the 23 parishes of Nakawa will congregate at Naguru Community Center to elect the Division Executive of 13 officials.

The Electoral College for flag bearer Division would have been formed. It will comprise:

• 286 Chairpersons representing the total number of polling stations in Nakawa.

• 299 Parish Executives from the 23 parishes of Nakawa (13 per Parish)

• 13 members of the Division Executive.

The above 598 individuals will meet at Naguru Community Center on September 26th 2010 to elect the FDC, MP flag bearer. If 300 of these officials choose to elect Anne Mugisha for Nakawa, I will become the official flag bearer for FDC in Nakawa constituency.

I invite you to be one of the 300 that will start of my journey to Parliament and this is what you need to do:

Participate, participate, participate!

1. Know your polling station! If you are not sure what it is then please send me your full names at so that we can ascertain your polling station on the National Register of Voters. If you already know your polling station, skip step one and go to step two.

2. Ensure that you have a valid FDC party card. If you do not have one contact me at 0791 77-00-55 or simply register at the Parish polling area on Saturday, September 11th 2010 at 2:00pm

3. Know your Parish polling area and be there on Saturday September 11th at 2:00pm. Come with some supporters to help you win! If you are not sure where your parish polling area is please send me an email

4. When the presiding officer calls for nominations for Chairperson for your polling branch, raise your arm high, speak up and find someone to second you and enough people to support you. Bringing along 4-5 people can make a huge difference!

5. If you miss the chairperson slot try and get on the PAB Committee of 19 so that you can participate in the Parish level vote. Ladies remember 40% of those slots must go to women!

6. Congratulations! You are now a member of your Polling Area Branch committee, but only the chairperson, will be on that Electoral College that elects Anne Mugisha for Nakawa.

7. If you missed the chair, convene with newly elected members of other PAB Committees of your Parish and campaign to be among the 13 Parish members.

8. If you did not make the PAB Committee or Parish executive, do not despair, note the names and phone contacts of those who made it and start lobbying them to vote Anne Mugisha for Nakawa Constituency!

We can do this – Together!

Thanks for your support!

Anne Mugisha for Nakawa!

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